Thunder and heavy rain around 4am while preparing breakfast and evaluating the situation out there via all those great tool we got today -- local minute level forecasts and rain radar and rain watch tools. Big blobs of heavy rain moving over from South, just crossing the edge of Py's home town. Looking much better out East. A little later around 5am it looked stable and a gap in the heavy zones opened up. Time to get out of it and head East! Rolling out with lights 5:20am.
Warm, soaking wet, puddles, dripping from trees but not rain any more!
After about an hour and 1/2 reaching the bridge to the East Hamptons area while the sun is rising some where behind clouds.
Meeting with the team and and two more riders joining in -- and off they go...
Here some funny kid jumped on for a moment and also gave it a try up front for a moment...
At the point...
and all the way back with some Hamptons site seeing....