Saturday, December 22, 2007


Once again.... meet at Tildas 10am for a good 55mi "Santa's" ride w C. Not the nicest day, but not rain or snow. Even so, there were a few flurries this morning and some at night, so the roads were all wet, but just no frost, about +1C, some little wind, all grey and totally overcast. The maxed out humidity made the cold creeping in all closing and it felt uncomfy cold.

It took PyZahl all the first 10 miles of the RP2IPBP route or over half an hour and all the rolleres in the beginning of the ride to get warm and going. Lot's of Fire Engine Siren sounds were in the air, as this is the Saturday before Christmas eve -- Santa is getting a ride all over. Good was, further out east, roads were much more dry. The steady head wind out on Youngs and Reeves made us working hard.

It was quite, very quite out there at IPBP:

Just seeing this more or less grey all over he figured it needs some Santa-Ride appropriate color, here we go:

The return was a fast one and it really felt good riding again -- the whole last week was pretty much booked and also the icy conditions weren't so optimal at all for anything outside.

A decent ride for two today, odometer read 94km/3h15/960hm
with final hill laps to complete the 3:15.

... and it looked not good for the Trevors ride again -- 100% chance of rain plus strong winds :-(

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