6am, the timer triggered PyZahl's radio. A few more minutes left before moving that warming blanket aside. Still dark, all quite. Usual morning pre-ride procedure. The temperature at his house was surprisingly just above freezing. OK, no Snowboard helmet with nice build-in ear warmers necessary, especially as the temperatures were supposed to reach low 40ties today.
7:32am, he was ready and moved out and up that hill just after leaving the gate, it was steep as usual and it hurt getting up there, it was cold, it felt colder than the temperature was at his house, the cold humid air was creeping into his ride suit. It just felt really cold and the air while moving fast was just making it even worse. On his way several frozen puddles were indicating cold spots and required some extra caution.
Little over 35min later he arrived at the meeting point "Bagel's and more" in PJS. A few of the early group riders were almost ready to go. But he waited for the "big boys"... and they almost all were showing up, a nice group of about a dozen -- he did not counted.
One of them showed up with his new Serotta -- nice to eyeball Carbon frame.
Here is a little funny stitch and a ghost rider:
8:31, minute late, they moved out. A good paced steady ride, beside one quick flat fix stop withing the first 10miles, nothing special. The weather was OK, mostly dry roads, overcast sky, the sun hardly made it at all. Here is the ride in numbers -- including his to and from sections 108km -- the group ride about 83km, they averaged 34km/h, a total of 1072hm of elevation gain, and the usual speed spectrum:
Trevor, I'm a 13 year old teen entrepreneur and I've got the solution to your cold ears under the helmet. I sell EarMitts bandless ear muffs that really work. Check out my website and you'll be convinced. You'll be addicted to having them with you just in case the weather turns even. Stay warm. Matthew